Rules to access my NSFW content

  • 18+ (you must have your age in your bio; DMing me your age doesn't count)

  • Followers Only

  • No empty accounts (i.e. accounts that don't follow anyone/were just created to join the list/don't have any tweets or interactions) *

  • No private accounts unless we're mutuals (if you private your account after joining the list, I will have to remove you)

  • To join the list you have to comment on any of my NSFW art previews where I link to my Poipiku (you MUST follow the rules stated above, otherwise I'll ignore your comment)

* I check every account and do some scrolling through the main tweets page. If I can easily reach the end of said page, I classify that account as "empty".

I am allowed to refuse people into my list, even if they follow all the rules. Remember that I'm providing you with free content.

If you have any doubts on how to access/connect to Poipiku, please message me directly on Twitter

Don't repost the content from my Poipiku account!